Wilson Koewing is a writer from South Carolina. His debut story collection "Jaded" is available from Main Street Rag/Mint Hill Books. Click HERE to purchase.
You can read an interview where Wilson discusses the writing of JADED at Bull Magazine HERE.
He also discusses the book in an interview with Reckon Review HERE.
Another review from Cowboy Jamboree Magazine can be read HERE.
Praise for JADED:
"In his debut collection, JADED, Wilson Koewing never once misses the mark. These stories are razor sharp. The characters drawn so adeptly readers will be able to imagine lives that extend well beyond the pages of this book." - Andrew Siegrist, author of WE IMAGINED IT WAS RAIN (Hub City Press)
"Reading JADED feels like you're peeking through a keyhole, or reading someone else's texts. A car crash of a collection that you can not turn away from. Koewing's prose is urgent, abrasive and sexy; his characters naked, vulnerable and devastating. It is a must read of contemporary literary fiction." - Meagan Lucas, author of HERE IN THE DARK (Shotgun Honey)
"By turns tender and brutal, these stories consume the world the way we all do now—in short and brilliant bursts. JADED takes us from the kitchens of the French Quarter to the heights of Denver's construction cranes. This is fiction steeped in place and Koewing is a willing tour guide. No stranger to a Sazerac, he's too good at making you stay for just one more." -Greg Tebbano
Wilson Koewing's writing has been featured in Pembroke Magazine, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Gargoyle Magazine, New World Writing, Maudlin House, Wigleaf, Hobart and many others.
His story "Rock Wall" from Maudlin House was longlisted for the 2021 Wigleaf Top 50.
His essay "Woodstown" originally published in Pembroke Magazine was named a notable American essay of 2020 by Best American Essays.
His short story "Point to Point" was named a distinguished story of 2023 by The Best American Mystery and Suspense Anthology.
Contact: wilsonkoewing@gmail.com

His second book, QUASI, is available from Anxiety Press. Click HERE or HERE to purchase.
You can read a review of QUASI HERE.

Praise for QUASI:
"QUASI is a powerful dance between startling reality and a distant and dreamy otherworld. Wilson Koewing can take your head off with one piece, break your heart with the next, all the while offering characters both broken beyond repair and, in subtle contrast, strong and good-hearted. It's a book of black and white in some ways, but in the end, Koewing is a rainbow against a dark sky. Completely unique in the world." - Sheldon Lee Compton, author of THE ORCHARD IS FULL OF SOUND (Cowboy Jamboree Press)
"Koewing paints in sunset shades of nostalgia. What could have been is always right there under the surface of what was. It’s a feeling that will escort you through this collection, from his childhood in rural South Carolina to the realm of Quasi, where the uncanny mingles with the possibility of a reimagined past." - Greg Tebbano
"I don't know if Koewing is real or entity that shows up at the campfire after three glasses of bourbon. But either way, his stories will move inside you like air and water." - Scott Laudati, author of PLAY THE DEVIL (Bone House Press)
"Wilson is a wordsmith, no question. His fearlessness and blood and guts approach to writing make these stories sing, cry and linger long after they have been read... a writer to watch out for and one I will follow." - Kevin Richard White, author of THE EXPLODING TREE (Anxiety Press)

An excerpt from his novella-in-progress PANAMA AND BOB can be read HERE
Flash Fiction
Voicemail, Wigleaf
Up Mt. Shasta, House of Arcanum
Back in High School, Farewell Transmission
Onset, RIC Journal
Big E, Don't Submit
What The Barn Cats Taught Me, Punk Noir
No Worries, Punk Noir
Headstone, The Airgonaut
Amusement Park, The Sunlight Press
Reptiles, Maudlin House
Milestones, Maudlin House
Loveland, Maudlin House
The Deep End, Maudlin House
Rock Wall, Maudlin House
Bomb Cyclone, Maudlin House
Down Stinson Beach, Maudlin House
Danny Boy, Bull
A Cold and Perfect Nothing, In The Soft Calm of the Evening, Bull
Island, Hobart
In A Flash, New World Writing
Seven Shorts - (Truck Stop, On Oak Island, Steve, San Ramon, Jaco, Scott, Tortuga, New World Writing
Six Shorts - (Gray, The Deer, Texas Lake, Fantasy Boston, Ruined by the Flash and In Tamarindo), New World Writing
Cocktail Onion, New World Writing
Marrow, New World Writing
Big Me, New World Writing
Bones, X-R-A-Y
Hap's, X-R-A-Y
Sour, X-R-A-Y
Rope, Bending Genres
Jaded, Ghost Parachute
Hurricane, Trampset
Ghost Crabs, Trampset
Ash, No Contact Magazine
Teeter-Totter, The Harpy Hybrid Review
Beach Winters, Rejection Letters
Left, Rejection Letters
Snow, Literally Stories
Cherry Creek Reservoir, The Bureau Dispatch
I-70, Reservoir Road Literary Review
Zephyr, Reservoir Road Literary Review
Rodeo, Reservoir Road Literary Review
Elevator, Free Flash Fiction
Charleston, Arkansas, Sloane's Lake, Barzakh Magazine
Fragments: St. Croix, Schuylkill Valley Journal
In Bed, Schuylkill Valley Journal
Boxes, Schuylkill Valley Journal
Mannequin, The Hunger Journal
Groceries/Take Flight/Sprinkler, (Mac)ro(Mic)
The Mountain Lion, Tiny Molecules
Petrin Hill, The Loch Raven Review
Follower (The Instagram Dad), Ellipsis Zine
Short Stories
A Return to Grace, Poverty House
Point to Point, Reckon Review
Spyder, Maudlin House
The Fox Trap, Five on the Fifth
Florida Joe, Menacing Hedge
Overnight, Fiction on the Web
Vicarious, Expat Press
In The Darkness Before Dawn, Expat Press
Rolling on the Bottom, Cowboy Jamboree
Painkiller, All Due Respect Magazine
Cracks, New Pop Lit
Donnie, The Rush
The Starting or The End, Gastropoda
Pier 39, Gooseberry Pie Lit
South Beach, Scrawl Place
Hot Pot, Scrawl Place
The Elderly Woman Down the Street, Olney Magazine
Sidewalks to Unleashed, Revolution John
Child, Flyover Country
Woodstown, Pembroke Magazine
Buoys, Bull: Men's Fiction
Ninety-one in Dog Years, Memoirist
Hospital, Rejection Letters
Canals, Rejection Letters
Corsair, The Daily Drunk
Paul Koewing: Goose Killer, The Daily Drunk
Trying To Get To Heaven Before They Close The Door, The Daily Drunk (Commentary)
In Remembrance of County Detective Colin Zabel, The Daily Drunk (Commentary)
Weekend Drive, The Daily Drunk
Crystal, The Remington Review
The First Wife, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts
Last Kiss, JMWW
Stiller, (Mac)ro(Mic)
Bridges, 433 Magazine
Ambergris Caye, Autofocus
Once, In Cork, Autofocus
Carpet Burn, Ellipsis Zine
Ripples, Slippage Lit
Feather, The Big Windows Review
Gully, Oxmag
Something Missing, Blue Lake Review
A 90s kid stuck inside again, Dream Journal
2021 Rolling in Cloudy but Warm in the East, The Daily Drunk
Pea/Glasses, Anti-Heroin Chic
Fireworks, Don't Submit
God Like, Don't Submit
4 Poems, Don't Submit
Poem, Don't Submit
Truth, Legend, Climber, Going Tasmanian, Don't Submit
July 23rd, 2023, Don't Submit
A Considerable Amount of Meaningful Nonsense (6 poems), Don't Submit
3 Poems, Don't Submit
Declaration, World Hunger
Pat Bateman, World Hunger
Micro Podcast Reading (Elevator), 3/28/2021
(Podcast)Textual Healing w/Mallory Smart, 4/9/2022
(Podcast) That Horrorcast w/Mallory Smart, 11/17/2022
Rolling on the Bottom (Short Story Collection) Cowboy Jamboree Press